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So: How Can I Make An Ant Trail?

Updated on August 31, 2016

There is nothing wrong with impromptu hubbing. Seriously, not every hub has to be ornate, and sometimes just typing to see how it will go can be very refreshing. So do I write about things according to what others think or perceive, no not at all really. Do you find that disconcerting? Perhaps, but I have been here long enough to learn no one has a monopoly on what a proper hub is supposed to be, and if someone tells you what not to hub about, well they are just trying to limit you because they themselves are not very creative.

My crafting hubs take a lot of time to prep, so at times I just need to do something fun and zany. When somebody leaves a negative comment on one of my crafting hubs I simply delete it, especially if an anonymous person tells me how much better they could make a particular card. Great for them, but I did not see any of those individuals taking the time to prep and write about their craft, so I have no time to indulge their narcissism. There is something so rewarding and refreshing about taking fifteen minutes to write a hub. My feelings really got hurt a couple of times this week on Hubpages, so I have been trying to be happy when I log in here, and to just realize those who like me will like me no matter what. I do not really care if I come across as sensitive because honestly I never will aspire to have a thick skin, and I am actually proud I am divergent that way. With my creative new hub ideas I shall endeavor to keep the good thoughts flowing, especially when I have trepidation about logging into certain parts of the site.

Politics, seriously, I could probably live a much more creative life without ever going on that forum! The party next door woke me up a few hours ago and I started thinking and doodling a little picture on the back of an envelope. So at about five in the morning because I could not sleep I started thinking about how easy it is to make an ant trail in your kitchen, especially if you do not believe in spraying like me.

The first thing you have to do is let go of your regular household cleaning activities to allow the ants to congregate on the counter. I highly recommend leaving some cake on a plate because ants love sugar. Actually, ants really seem to love the time I accidentally left out the coffee cup with the residual sugar on the bottom. You thought humans loved their coffee with creamer, well I think ants have even more of an affinity for this concoction. All kidding aside, I actually have no desire to have an ant trail in my kitchen, and clean it quite consistently to avoid such pests. However, if you accidentally leave out something sugary the ants will come, and in force too. They say ants are like an army, and there is no lie there. If pests and ants gross you out then I do not recommend leaving out sugar for them.

Follow the ant trail.  This is a fun impromptu sketch by Sweetiepie on Hubpages, who truly believes off the cuff Hubbing is super fun, and refreshing.
Follow the ant trail. This is a fun impromptu sketch by Sweetiepie on Hubpages, who truly believes off the cuff Hubbing is super fun, and refreshing.

Ant Farms: Why Pay When You Can Get One For Free!

I always had to ponder why people buy ant farms when they could have the very own one, on their kitchen counter for free! Here are twenty sticky and sugary ingredients that are guaranteed to attract the ants:

1. whip cream

2. jello

3. soda

4. honey

5.strawberry jam

6. apple butter

7. doughnuts

8. parfaits

9. gummy bears

10. candy canes

11. licorice

12. a snickers bar

13. a pay day bar

14. cotton candy

15. a bowl of half eaten cereal

16. a bowl of melting ice cream

17. a slice of birthday cake

18. a chocolate brownie

19. a piece of fudge

20. strawberry shortcake

I love all the yummy concoctions listed above, but do we really need those things in a house on a consistent basis? Not really, and even though I really do not purposely try to create ant trails, they all seem to be attracted to these items. This is a joke hub by the way, but I always think about these things when I see ants and have to clean them up!


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